
Bandsintown Concerts | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-2 Points Past 7 Days
Category: Music
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
64 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
133 Reports
User Feedback
133 Reports
64 Reports
Bandsintown Concerts - Latest Quality Issues
Sep 20, 2023
Why do I need to sign in and provide my whole life story. Just let me use the app
It forces you to provide an email and sign in and pick preferences. I'm force to this app through a bands website. I don't want to sign up. Provide a way to use as a guest.
Sep 21, 2023
Cannot connect to servers
Cannot use the app because they can't contact their own servers. Very cool.
Sep 22, 2023
Unable to navigate
I tried multiple times to add a group I wanted to follow. After finding the group and selecting to follow them. You can't go anywhere from that point but back. Thinking I might be able to locate the group in one of the genre list well that didn't work. Very frustrating and useless app from my standpoint.
Sep 22, 2023
I tried to select tickets on mobile through axs, and the continue button blocks the lowest option, so I can't select it.
Sep 22, 2023
I hate this app
Why does it force me to login when I just want to browse shows? Lame, delete
Sep 23, 2023
Give me more notice
The app is okay I suppose. Good at looking for upcoming events. I get lots of notifications for upcoming concerts by groups I love. The problem is that I don't get notified about anything more than A WEEK before the event. So, by the time I hear about one of my favorite bands coming to town, it's either sold out or only has the cheap seats left. So, all in all, actually kind of useless.
Sep 24, 2023
Missing Artists/ Missing Platforms
I follow music on YouTube- because I find many artists who are independent. They are getting traction through reactors and fans Some of them I can find on Spotify or Apple and others not. I can't find many of them on your app to follow. Some are even currently touring. Is this something you could address? I love the concept of the app. Maybe a YouTube channel or add describing how artists can qualify to be on your app. Little Simz would be an example of the type of artist I'm advocating for-to be able to follow on your app.
Sep 24, 2023
will not link to spotify
Sep 24, 2023
Constant crashes
When you go to “search by artist” and tap an artist it crashes every time. Please fix, I used to love this app but sadly it's fallen to these sorts of instability
Bandsintown Concerts - Product Description
Bandsintown helps you discover concerts near you and notifies you of upcoming gigs by artists you listen to, so you’ll never miss another show. 
Awarded TIME Magazine’s Best Apps of the Year and Business Insider’s World’s Greatest Apps, Bandsintown is trusted by 72 million live music fans worldwide and is 100% free with no hidden fees.
Using Bandsintown is easy…
Follow your favorite artists or sync services like Spotify and Apple Music to stay connected and receive alerts when they announce shows near you, and even request a tour stop in your town. Set reminders, get tickets from official sellers, and read reviews before you go. 
Find any concert, festival, or venue worldwide, discover new artists and events based on your taste, and do it all over again. 
Wherever you go, never miss a show. 

Website: https://www.bandsintown.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bandsintown
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bandsintown
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/bandsintown

Terms of Use: https://corp.bandsintown.com/terms
Privacy Policy: https://corp.bandsintown.com/privacy

◦ Bugs / Crash? Feedback? ◦ 
Email: support@bandsintown.com

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