Discover what users think of your product

Supercharge your product roadmap with AI user insights to boost product quality.

Get real-time product feedback directly from users

Build products that users actually want

Discover top feature requests and product likes and dislikes to inform your product roadmap.

Get alerted on product issues

Fix top Quality Issues impacting your product in partnership with engineering to reduce user friction.

Get automatic user insights and research

Build user-centric products

Fix product issues and build product roadmaps that exceed user expectations with AI insights shared directly from your users to boost product quality.

Build user-centric products

Fix product issues and build product roadmaps that exceed user expectations with AI insights shared directly from your users to boost product quality.

Discover emerging user needs faster

Spend less time formulating hypotheses and more time delighting users. Quickly identify unmet user needs and critical pain points with AI-powered insights from real-time user feedback.

Uncover Feature Requests

Prioritize your roadmap to drive results

Remove the guesswork from roadmap planning and get buy-in from other teams faster. Forecast the benefits of making high‑impact product changes on KPIs like CSAT, 1‑star reviews, support tickets, brand sentiment, NPS, and more.

Impact Analysis

Track how users react to product launches

See how product changes are received by users in real time. Compare sentiment by release, summarize feedback by feature, and measure the quality of the user experience over time.

AI Summarization

Product teams measure product quality with user insights

Oura is pioneering a novel device for health and wellness tracking. With unitQ, Oura can empower product, engineering, and customer experience teams to fix the highest impact Quality Issues, discover user wants and needs, and enable ad-hoc research across user cohorts to boost product quality.
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Product teams measure product quality with user insights

Oura is pioneering a novel device for health and wellness tracking. With unitQ, Oura can empower product, engineering, and customer experience teams to fix the highest impact Quality Issues, discover user wants and needs, and enable ad-hoc research across user cohorts to boost product quality.
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Measure the Quality of your product or service with unitQ Score

Measure the gap between user expectations and their actual experience with the unitQ score - an unbiased AI-generated scoring algorithm that calculates the percentage of users reporting a frictionless experience.

Measure the Quality of your product or service with unitQ Score

Measure the gap between user expectations and their actual experience with the unitQ score - an unbiased AI-generated scoring algorithm that calculates the percentage of users reporting a frictionless experience.
100%Increase in user retention
18%Boost in NPS
50%Faster issue resolution time

Get a demo - with your data!

Join category‑leading companies and start driving growth, reducing churn, and building loyalty with unitQ.

Get a demo - with your data!

Join category‑leading companies and start driving growth, reducing churn, and building loyalty with unitQ.